To Contest Participants.
Dear Sirs,
1) consequent on your participation in the” “LA MEMORIA DEL FUTURO” contest, our company will acquire and process your personal data;
2) please be informed of the following definitions under Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003:
Processing: any operation or complex of operations, performed even without the use of electronic aids, concerning the collection, recording, organisation, conservation, consultation, elaboration, modification, sorting, extraction, comparison, utilisation, interconnection, blocking, notification, disclosure, deletion and destruction of data;
Personal data: any information relating to individuals, companies, organisations or associations who are or may be identified, even indirectly, through reference to any other information, including a personal identification number;
mindful of the above, pursuant to art. 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Data Protection Law),
you are hereby informed
that our company will acquire and process personal data as follows:
a) general purposes: the data will be processed for the proper management of all the procedures necessary for the smooth operation of the aforesaid contest, to respond to any requests from your side, for the correct fulfilment of bureaucratic obligations in general and for legally compulsory corporate procedures, in all cases strictly relevant to our relations with you;
b) data conservation times: our company will retain your data for a time not exceeding the maximum limits set by the relevant legislation. Any subjects to which your data are disclosed (see below) receive suitable instructions to ensure that they also comply with the said data conservation time limits;
c) procedures: the data will be processed with the aid of both paper and electronic/IT/online tools/media, in full compliance with the law, in accordance with ethical, legal principles and in a manner which safeguards your privacy;
d) refusal option: it is up to you to decide whether to provide your data;
e) consequences of refusal: refusal to provide your data or complete or partial opposition to their processing for the purposes described in point a) may render your participation in the aforesaid contest or the fulfilment of any requests from your side impossible;
f) subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be provided or disclosed: the data may be provided, only for the purposes defined in point a), to other subjects, such as the Istituto Universitario Salesiano, Venice, in association with which the aforesaid contest is organised, the members of the contest jury, and any other subjects involved in the organisation, management and running of the contest, such as printers, mailing companies, accountants, lawyers, advisers, associations, etc., of whose services our company avails itself. Under no circumstances will the data be made generally available;
g) company data trustees and processors: the data will only be used by a small group of specifically authorised company data processors;
h) rights of the data subject: you have all the rights assigned by art. 7 of the Data Protection Law, to which reference should be made for full information;
i) data controllerthe data controller is Floornature.Com S.p.A., with registered office at Fiorano Modenese (Modena), Via Ghiarola Nuova n. 119, Zona Industriale 1, in the person of its pro tempore legal representative;
j) trustee(s) : the trustee for contacts with the data subject is Mr Stefano Luconi, who can be contacted at the company's registered office: any request for explanations or information can be addressed to this trustee. The complete, constantly updated list of trustees is available for consultation on the corporate Internet site and/or on a paper document available at the registered office.
This disclaimer may be extended, verbally or in writing, with additional items and details, to fully respond to any need you may have for information with regard to data protection and in response to changes in the relevant law.
1. I have previously thoroughly read and understood all parts of the disclaimer pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003; 2. I am perfectly aware of my rights under art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003; 3. I am acting in complete freedom without any undue influence and/or psychological pressure;
in view of all the above
I express my full consent
to the collection and processing of my personal data, including sensitive data, also comprising drawings, designs, photos, sketches, diagrams, models, etc., dispatched for participation in the contest and necessary for the purposes covered by point a) of the foregoing disclaimer.